227B, Muri Okunola Street Victoria Island, Lagos

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Monday to Friday: 8AM - 6PM
Weekend: Closed

Highlights from DataFlex in-house Business Focus 2023

The Executive Director Martins Ndigwe unveiled the 4 cardinal points in which the company will drive on FY 2023 themed P.P.TS (People, Process, Technology and Service) as a growth model.

Running on this model will position the organization on a tripod system of Efficiency in providing solutions to customers’ needs, Aligned Workforce that is ever ready and intelligent in addressing customers request and Elevate Performance for healthy competitions among workforce to serve the best in services to our clienteles.

He elaborated on the GROWTH Model of the organization to be;

G – Gain a large pie of IT Market Share

R – Renew Installed Base and Grow Market Share

O – Open More Opportunities

W – Warranty across our solutions portfolios

T – Taking Services Business to the next level

H – Hunt Aggressively but strategically

Finally, he enjoins the business unit to run on a T-Style Account Management of PLAM Model.

Watch out for this space as DataFlex works to create a new dimension to operational excellence in serving her clienteles.





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